Wednesday 28 September 2011

One Dude You Will Never Regret Breaking Up With

Thank you Andile Nyasha for writing your testimony. I had to share it with my Single Ready and Waiting friends.
"One compliment I loved by my bestfriend was when she said to me "Nyasha, you move on so fast - thats the thing about you, you never stay crying for a guy for a long time". That made my year - and that was last night ;) 2011 is a great year so far!

I thought about this for a moment and it's true; and I will share the secret with you tonight.

I have had my share of douche bags when I was younger; I have held on to men because I thought I would never get anyone to love me the same. Like I said before and Imma say it again; I am NOT a strong woman. I have cried for men, I have lost sleep and some hair over men, cheated and been cheated on, I have given and taken emotional and physical abuse, dated addicts, gave my all and ditched my own life for the sake of making someone love me.  I have been through what all of you have been going through; I know what it's like and I won't hide it.

However, I got out of all that nonsense and I credit it ALL to Jesus. I remember clutching on to my blankets and crying at night after I had been isolated from my family and friends, sleeping with a man who would use the same hands to touch me in a loving way - then beat me. The same mouth to kiss me - and then call me all sort of names and degrade me. That's the infamous EX-boyfriend my close friends like to call Mike Tyson. *LOLest - we gave him a nickname* When his real name is mentioned we all say "whose that?*

So anyways when I was with Mike Tyson, I would cry in bed and ask God to remove me from the situation. At the time I didn't even believe in Jesus; but after so much prayer the Spirit of God lead me to church. I would go to church and go back to him - I'd lie to the pastor and tell him I was going home, but I was going to see him. Eventually I would spend more time at church and at bible study than I would with him. When I was at his place I would beg him to listen to sermons - Thinking it would make him change. Girl, it didn't work. The last week I saw Mike was when I went over to his place and I wouldn't french kiss him or anything because I didn't want to sin. He used his lines "But you know I love you" for the first time I saw it for the BIGGEST LIE IT WAS! I saw it in his eyes, and everything he did. I had planned to get baptised a month after that so I didn't want to sin against God anymore - that very week I got a call that the baptisim was going to be moved to that weekend. I didn't even have a chance to think I just did it.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Mark 1:17

I have never looked back since; and no man has ever laid hands on me ever again. Each time I fell into sexual sin the Lord made that relationship end immediately by hardening MY heart; I never got attached and I had the power to just never call the guy again. I never even cried for any of them - but one thing I noticed was I never enjoyed the sex - infact sometimes I would cry because I was hurting my true Lover's heart - Jesus.

I am not a strong woman, I am a woman of strength. My strength comes from God.

Psalm 18:1-3,28,35

"I will love You, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies."

When I go on dates and I get rejected, it makes me love Jesus more in knowing that he protected me from a douche who cannot even see that I am hotstuff. Lines like I miss you no longer work - ofcourse guys miss me, I am missable! I am loveable, and I can have anybody when they leave so I don't stress. It's a lie to say I don't get completely hurt cause I do and dear ol' besty can testify that I go through lamentations; but I pray at the same time; then joy comes in the morning when I realize that I am swimming in an ocean of men. I don't waste time - on to the next, or I invite my other besty for ice-cream and movies.

* Women tend to believe that no one will love you like the dude you are with. Thats a lie.

* Or that who you are is an unloveable person because of character flaws. Another lie.

"Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe." Proverbs 29:25

I can assure you someone in this life will love you more than any dude you are with. Unless you are married because that's an unbreakable bond - and I do not give any advice on such situations to married women because I truly do not know how to go about it except to get on my knees and trust in God. But to us single ladies - always tell yourself "ON TO THE NEXT" when a dude beats you or cheats on you, or has excessive attitude problems like not calling *LIKE EVER* or not spending enough quality time , or simply if you do not click.

Don't tell your dude EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU. Jesus is working on you, and your embarrassing past is no longer who you are - keep somethings a secret. Don't endure any kind of abuse or manipulation. Don't be shy around a guy you think is cute because he is just a person and have you looked in the mirror lately - you are so fine; so why wouldn't he like you? Pray before you go on a date so the Lord may guide you. Don't sleep with anyone because it will be musch easier to walk away if you keep your legs closed - and not to mention keep your dignity. Date quality guys you are actually attracted to - don't settle for less - unless his personality is beyond awesome - then forget what people say or think about his looks. Don't ever pray for a dude to be the "one" before you actually get to know him and date him for at least a year.

If all else fails - its better to be single and fabulous than dating and misserable. Your dude is coming - don't be desperate it looks so bad on you!"

Single Ready Waiting
I agree with Andile 110%
Hope you got something from her testimony.
You can find more of Andile's writing on Facebook under Love and Relationship Tips

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